I'm Literally falling apart !!!
I'm turning into my car. Every now and then, a piece of my car decides to come off. Just like that !! I have a collection of the "parts"that I have actually cut off with a knife from my car :) This may sound disgusting, but I found it pretty incredible.. My toe nail fell off !! yeah !! just like that !! I didnt even notice it.. The entire nail decided to let go...My foot has had a "jal6a" in it for almost 3 months now and it has been numb for a while which probably explains why it didnt hurt.. There was not much bleeding because the blood was clotted. My toe nail !! omg !! I can see flesh !! It does'nt even hurt !! I'm nail-less... It was soo stunning.. I've been observing my feet for the past 2 hours and it looks like another one is comin off, real soon.. Wow, I really am falling apart !!
7beeeeby ur nail :(
hmmm the thing is: i was trying to bring u over.. really focusing, bs u know my head ;p so i ended up with ur nail hehehehe ;p
salamat ya albiii :**
LOOL .. told ya you really are turning into your car!
Okay dude OUCH! your toeless ! ..
REEM: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahahhaha nice one hahaha !!!! waaaaiii hahahaha !! u got both my nails wloo !!
Dana: hahahaha dano walla i told my mom today about me n my car matat mn el laffing !! hahaha then when i showed it to her, she threw up and freaked out and was gonna fly me to the hospital. I had to lie and tell her i would go .. dodododoodo
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